Sunday, 19 February 2017

It´s all about the angle

The alleged nose job that Marilyn is supposed to have done, is not true.

There is no evidence to prove a nose job, so as far as we know, she did not have surgery done to her nose. Personally, I don´t believe she did, but unless some reliable proof shows up, I don´t believe that she had the surgery. The only cosmetic surgery she had, was a small chin implant in 1950. However, the implant dissolved over time and almost disappeared.

The last few days, I´ve seen numerous "comparisons" of Marilyn, claiming they are evidence that Marilyn did a "huge"rhinoplasty. This is what my title is based on; As you can see below, all of these collages shows pictures of Marilyn in completely different angles and facial expressions. I don´t think that is a fair way of comparing her face, Since our face changes when we do other face expressions or if we´re photographed in different angles. The first one has the date wrong as well.

Bildresultat för marilyn monroe nose job

Relaterad bild

Bildresultat för marilyn monroe nose job

Bildresultat för marilyn monroe nose job

Bildresultat för marilyn monroe nose job

Below, are some collages that I´ve made, just to show you a better comparison. And as you can see, there is no surgery noticeable.


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