Saturday, 18 February 2017

Marilyn and animals

Marilyn had always been kind and loving towards  animals and she was a real animal lover. She had several pets during her life. Here are some of them; 

She had a mixed breed dog named Tippy in the early 1930´s when she lived with the Bolenders, but sadly, Tippy died in June of 1933. Tippy was run over by a car near the house. Ida Bolender told her that a neighbour killed the poor little dog with a shotgun, for being too annoying for him, because she thought it would comfort Marilyn if Tippy died fast and painless. However, the death of Tippy was a huge grief for little Norma Jeane.

During her marriage to Jim Dougherty she had a spaniel named Muggsie. Muggsie died shortly after she started her carrier in modelling.

On her 24th birthday to Jim Dougherty in 1950, she got a little chihuahua named Josefa as a birthday gift from Joseph Schneck, head production of 20th century fox.

In 1955, when she lived in New York City, she had a persian cat called Mitsou.

In the late 50´s, she and Arthur had a basset hound called Hugo and a parakeet named Butch.
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In 1958, Marilyn and Arthur had a horse named Ebony.

In 1959, The Miller´s got a Siamese cat named Sugar Finney.

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In 1962, Marilyn got a white poodle as a gift from Frank Sinatra. She called the dog "Maf Honey" as a light-hearted joke in honor of Frank. After Marilyn passed away, he was adopted by Frank´s secretary Gloria Lovell. Sadly, Maf was run over by a milk truck in August of 1974.

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Bildresultat för marilyn and maf

This photo of Maf is actually taken my Marilyn herself!

DId you know? Marilyn´s first husband, James Dougherty, wrote about how he came home to find his young bride trying to lead a cow into the kitchen, because she felt sorry for it for being out alone in the rain. She would scoop up fish she found on the beach and throw them back into the ocean. When she came across young boys tarpping pigeons to sell to a butcher, she met them every week and gave them the same amount of money they would have sold them for, just to set the birds free. She called friends in the middle of the night to give them updates on her pregnant cat, and she was intensly worried that her basset hound would injure his low slung male parts running over rocks.

That´s what I call a real animal lover! 💗


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