Thursday, 13 April 2017

The death of Marilyn Monroe

Was Marilyn Monroe murdered? Was it suicide? Was it accidental or intentional?

These are some questions that probably pops up in your mind when you think of Marilyn´s passing. For most people, this is a big mystery. Nobody knows for sure what happened and it´s all just a big question mark. I hope I can clear things up for you and hopefully answer some of your questions.

 I have hesitated many times about writing this. The last thing I want is to be disrespectful or rude to our beloved angel. I want to show respect, love and kindness towards her. And of course to show the truth about her. So because of that, I have decided to dedicate a post about this. To explain once and for all, what I believe happened.

The birth of a world famous movie star

So, lets start at the very beginning. Norma Jeane Mortenson was born on June 1st, 1926. Her mother, Gladys, worked as a cutter in a Hollywood studio. As a child, Norma Jeane never really knew who her father was. She used to pretend that silver screen star Clark Gable was her father. “Looking back, I guess I used to play-act all the time. For one thing , it meant I could live in a more interesting world than the one around me.

She was a beautiful and loving child, but unlike most children, she was placed in foster care when she was thirteen years old. Little Norma Jeane had a very tough childhood and very little connection with her mother. In 1941, she was escorted by her handsome neighbour, James Dougherty, to a Christmas dance. By age 16, in  May 1942, she married James Dougherty. As Jim went overseas for the war effort, Norma Jeane started working at a factory, where she was "discovered". With her new modelling career, she became restless and soon requested a divorce from James Dougherty. By 1946, she started going by the name Marilyn Monroe, but she did not legally change it until 1956. 

Conspiracy theories, lies and rumours

As well as anything else concerning Marilyn, there is a lot of rumours and lies circulating on the Internet about Marilyn´s death. Famous magazines, websites and books such as the Daily Mail has helped spread the lies. 

I refuse to let articles appear in movie magazines signed ' By Marilyn Monroe'. I might never see that article and it might be okayed by someone in the studio. This is wrong, because when I was a little girl read signed stories in fan magazines and I believed every word the stars said in them the  I'd try to model my life after the lives of the stars I read about. If I'm going to have that kind of influence, I want to be sure it's because something I've actually said or written. - Marilyn to Pete Martin, 1956.

Sometimes I´ve looked at what they reported me of saying, and I said `No No No!´ - Marilyn to Pete Martin

The Daily Mail is pure tabloid. It´s totally unreliable and they have proved that many times. 

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Daily Mail´s false picture.

The picture above shows us bloody walls in Marilyn´s bedroom. This however, is just another one of Daily Mails lies. If you take a look at these photos below, do you see any blood?

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Naahh, I didn´t think so.

I think it´s absolutely terrible that a big paper like the Daily Mail manipulates pictures and spread lies. Many people see it as a reliable source and they decide to believe it. I don´t blame anyone for believing this though, it´s hard to know what to trust nowadays.

Now, let´s just leave the lies behind and move on to the true things.

Death of a goddess

In the middle of the night on Saturday, August 4th in 1962, the blonde star that took the world by storm, passed away.

Marilyn´s housekeeper, Eunice Murray was the one who first found her. Arthur Jacobs, who worked on a agency which served Marilyn and the studio, was asked to take a call backstage during a concert in Hollywood. At 10:30 pm it was known by the world that Marilyn Monroe was dead.

Frank Neill drove to Marilyn´s Brentwood home and asked to send over security guards. At 4:30 am on August 5th, Sergeant Jack Clemmons was called to the house. Jack asked why there had been such a long delay before anybody called the police, Dr Greenson told him that he had to call the studio for permission before he could call the police.  Before long, a pack of reporters, or "vultures" as Pat Newcomb called them, was present. As they couldn´t be any more disrespectful, they  rushed into the bedroom to see and photograph Marilyn´s body.

Marilyn´s funeral was arranged by ex-husband Joe DiMaggio. It was held on August 8 at the Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery. Marilyn was buried in a green dress from one of her favourite brands, Emilio Pucci. Her long time friend and makeup artist Allan "Whitey" Snyder had done her makeup, just as promised.

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A heartbroken Joe DiMaggio at Marilyn´s funeral.

 “Do you remember when Marilyn Monroe died? Everybody stopped work, and you could see all that day the same expressions on their faces, the same thought: ‘How can a girl with success, fame, youth, money, beauty … how could she kill herself?’  Nobody could understand it because those are the things that everybody wants, and they can’t believe that life wasn’t important to Marilyn Monroe, or that her life was elsewhere. - Marlon Brando 

Marilyn died of an a orally taken overdose, a combination of chloral hydrate and Nembutal. Both are sedative drugs she was using to help her sleep and for anxiety. Chloral hydrate is no longer authorised for use as a sedative nowadays. The combination of the two was lethal. She did pass away by her own hand, but whether it was accidental or a intentional suicide no one can know for sure. I personally do believe that it was an accident. I think she was taking her pills in an attempt to sleep, but she accidentally took too much. By the time she realised it, she tried to make a phone call, but it was too late.

Some of my most frequently asked questions:

Why was the window in her home broken? It was broken by Dr Greenson in order for him to get in the house. The door was locked. 

Why did it take so long for the police to show up? Well, it is still not sure why Murray took so long to call the police. Her story has changed so much over the years, that I think she has become a unreliable witness. I suppose it could be that the world most famous movie star died under her care and that it made her anxious and scared. Also, I do think it´s odd that when she was hired to be Marilyn´s housekeeper, it was told she was a nurse. Which isn´t true. However, I do think that Eunice Murray might know more than she has said. 

I thought she passed away because of barbiturates? She did. Chloral hydrate and Nembutal are both barbiturates. It´s basically the same thing. 

It says on Wikipedia that she died on August 5th. Why do you say 4th? She passed away at night, between August 4th and 5th. Her death was declared on August 5th, that´s probably why it says so on Wikipedia. 

Why and how do you think she died? She passed away of an orally taken overdose. I would say it was accidental suicide.

Why don´t you think she was murdered? There´s lack of evidence and reliable sources for me to believe that she was murdered. Often it leans towards the Kennedy´s, which I think is nonsense. Excuse my language, but rumours about her and the Kennedy´s are 99.9 % bullshit. 😉

Is it true that the pills where taken anally? No. Pills taken that way is an enema. It´s not possible for her to have taken them that way because her autopsy noted that she had fully formed fecal matter inside her. This would not be the case if she would have taken an enema.

Can you tell me where the doctors found the drugs (blood etc)? She had 4.5 mg of Nembutal and 8.0 mg of Chloral hydrate in her blood. She also had 13.0 mg of Nembutal in her liver. 

How do you know that it wasn´t taken with a needle? Well, John Miner and Dr. Thomas Tsunetomi Noguchi, who performed the autopsy on Marilyn, wrote that there was no needle marks. "There was no indication that the drugs had been administered by the way of a hypodermic needle."

Just as a little extra fact: When asked how Marilyn looked like dead, Dr Noguchi quoted the latin poet, Petrarch, "It´s folly to shrink in fear, if this is dying. For death looked lovely in her lovely face." 


Thirty six is just great when kids twelve to seventeen still whistle! - Marilyn on turning thirty six years old, to Alan Levy for Redbook, 1962.  

I´m thirtsix years old. I´m just getting started!“ -Marilyn to George Barris

I had spoken to her only ten days before. She sounded happy. - Isidore Miller

She seemed normal the last day I saw her. - Pat Newcomb

My father always felt that it was an accident that she killed herself. - Joan Greenson

I believe that it was a manic phase, and something happened to suddenly depress her and she grabbed the pills. She had plenty of pills at bedside.I think she was suddenly depressed and in that sense in was intentional. Then i think she thought better of it when she felt herself going under because she called peter lawford. So, while it was intentional at the time, I do believe that she changed her mind. - Hyman Engelberg speculates in a documentary. 

She was in a very good mood - a very happy mood. Friday night we had dinner at a quiet restaurant near her home. Saturday  she was getting things done inside the house. She loved it... When I last saw her, nothing about her mood or manner changed. - Pat Newcomb

Newcomb also stated that Marilyn waved goodbye to her from the front door and said "I´ll see you tomorrow. Toodle-oo!"

I saw no signs of despondency when I talked to her. She gave me the impression of happiness...- Carl Sandburg 

“I´m sure it was an accident. She was at my home a few days ago and she was happy... I just can´t believe it. SHe was a wonderful person and a wonderful talent.“- Dean Martin

“She did not commit suicide... If it had been suicide, it would have happened in a quite different way. For one thing, she wouldn´t have done it whitout leaving a note. There are oher reasons, which cannot be discussed, which makes us certain she did not intend to take her life.“ - Lee Strasberg

"Hold a good thought for me." 💖

1 comment:

  1. So interesting. Holding a good thought for Marilyn. ��
